1. Preparation of PR & SCR for any purchases related to department and follow up.
2. Coordinate with HR for staff related matters such as RP renewals, Gate pass applications, PPE, training / competency mapping matters etc.
3. Assist billing engineers on various billing matters and follow-ups.
4. Prepare various reports and submit to Managers in commercials department.
5. Track the department KPIs and produce the reports.
6. Coordinate with QSA on department related matters, internal and external audits etc.
7. Prepares and maintains billing file.
8. Responsible for all commercial activities, once vessels are in the yard.
9. Attends the daily on-board VSCC (& other standard industry safety meetings) meeting and provides feedback / action plans if necessary.
10. Provides quotations for additional work and submit budget update periodically to the Owners Representative.
11. Ensures collection of all documents and other related data for preparation of draft invoice.
12. Performs other duties assigned.
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Commercial & Marketing
Commercial & Marketing>
Job Overview
Monthly Salary Range
Career Level
Other - Industry
2-5 Years
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