Accomplishing their ultimate goal of creating floral arrangements that satisfy customers requires Florists to be well-versed in a variety of areas. From our analysis of job postings, common tasks performed by Florists include:
Serving Customers
Whether a husband asks for a single rose for his wife or the organizer of a retirement dinner needs 50 centerpieces, Florists listen to what customers want to buy. They offer advice on matters such as cost, color, care, vases and bloom longevity. Transactions range from simple in-store “cash and carry” purchases to writing out detailed instructions regarding where and when specified floral arrangements need to be delivered for an upcoming event.
Fulfilling Orders
Florists handle phone and online requests for both predesigned arrangements and custom orders. They examine what the order calls for and ensure it gets delivered to the proper location at the correct time. If the final product needs to be wrapped or have a note attached, Florists make sure these things are done. Facilities such as banquet halls and hotels may have standing orders that need to be attended to on a consistent basis.
Arranging Flowers
The creative aspect of being a Florist is picking and cutting flowers to craft into a display, such as a wedding bouquet or a cross for a funeral casket. Florists aim to produce eye-pleasing arrangements through design, color, blossom choice, varying lengths, filler greenery and embellishments such as lace. They also pay attention to support structures so that arrangements make it to their destination safely and remain beautiful.
Managing Inventory
Florists keep tabs on what flowers they have on hand and how long they should remain usable. They also monitor other supplies needed within the shop and order more as necessary. Promoting the Business. Florists may attend bri
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Hotels / Hospitality
10+ Years
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